Config = {}
Config.framework = "esx" -- esx or qb
Config.newESX = true
Config.Sperrzone = {
Language = "de",
-- Radius Blip
DistanceMinimum = 125,
DistanceMaximum = 500,
-- Commands Create/Delete Zone
AddZone = "addzone",
RemoveZone = "removezone",
Config.JobAccess = {
Config.JobNames = {
['police'] = {
jobname = "LS Police Department",
img = "CHAR_CALL911",
blipname = "Sperrzone LSPD",
blip = { -- PD Icon
Sprite = 60,
Display = 4,
Scale = 0.8,
Colour = 3,
blip2 = { -- Circle radius colour | Blue/Red
Colour = 4,
Colour2 = 38,
['fib'] = {
jobname = "Federal Investigation Bureau",
img = "CHAR_CALL911",
blipname = "Sperrzone FIB",
blip = { -- FIB Icon
Sprite = 60,
Display = 4,
Scale = 0.8,
Colour = 39,
blip2 = { -- Circle radius colour | Blue/Red
Colour = 4,
Colour2 = 38,
-- More Jobs here | Copy and paste one of the top Jobs
Config.Locales = {
['de'] = {
['notify_subject'] = '~r~SPERRZONE~s~',
['notify_message_addZone'] = 'Eine Sperrzone an der ~r~%s~s~ wurde ausgerufen. ~y~Umkreis: %sM~s~',
['notify_message_approach'] = 'Wer sich dennoch nähert, muss mit ~r~härteren Maßnahmen~s~ rechnen',
['notify_message_removeZone'] = 'Die Sperrzone an der ~r~%s~s~ wurde aufgehoben!',
['radius_invalid'] = 'Radius: %s-%s',
['player_cuffed'] = 'Du bist gefesselt!',
['en'] = {
['notify_subject'] = '~r~Exclusion Zone~s~',
['notify_message_addZone'] = 'A exclusion zone has been declared at ~r~%s~s~. ~y~Radius: %sM~s~',
['notify_message_approach'] = 'Anyone who approaches will have to expect ~r~tougher measures~s~',
['notify_message_removeZone'] = 'The exclusion zone at ~r~%s~s~ has been lifted!',
['radius_invalid'] = 'Radius: %s-%s',
['player_cuffed'] = 'You are handcuffed!',
function notify(type, msg, server)
if server then
TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, msg) -- ESX
-- exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert(type, msg) -- Mythic Notify
ESX.ShowNotification(msg) -- ESX
-- exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert(type, msg) -- Mythic Notify
function ShowAdvancedNotification(title, subject, msg, icon, iconType)
SetNotificationMessage(icon, icon, true, iconType, title, subject)
DrawNotification(false, true)
Last updated