Config = {}
Config.framework = "esx" -- esx or qb
Config.newESX = true
Config.Language = "en"
-- Enter here your inventory icon path
Config.PathInventory = "nui://inventory/web/assets/icons/" -- supports only png pictures
Config.Locales = {
['en'] = {
-- Discord Logs
["discord_title"] = "Case Logs",
["discord_sellmessage"] = "Player %s has pulled the item: %s (%s) Quantity: %s from a case.",
['de'] = {
-- Discord Logs
["discord_title"] = "Case Logs",
["discord_sellmessage"] = "Der Spieler %s hat das Item: **%s** (%s) Anzahl: **%s** aus einem Case gezogen.",
Config.Casesystem = {
["case"] = { -- Case item name
winrate = {
{grade = "Industrial", rate = 40.0}, -- 40% chance
{grade = "Mil-Spec", rate = 40.0}, -- 40% chance
{grade = "Restricted", rate = 16.0}, -- 16% chance
{grade = "Classified", rate = 3.05}, -- 3.05% chance
{grade = "Covert", rate = 0.85}, -- 0.85% chance
{grade = "Extraordinary", rate = 0.1} -- 0.1% chance (It's enought and player will hit it, but they need patient)
caseitems = {
-- types: item, weapon, money
["Industrial"] = {
{type = "item", item_name = "water", count = 1, label = "Water"},
{type = "item", item_name = "bread", count = 1, label = "Bread"},
["Mil-Spec"] = {
{type = "item", item_name = "bandage", count = 1, label = "Bandage"},
{type = "item", item_name = "cuffs", count = 1, label = "Rope"},
["Restricted"] = {
{type = "item", item_name = "gps", count = 1, label = "GPS Device"},
{type = "item", item_name = "k_bulletproof", count = 1, label = "Bulletproof Vest"},
{type = "item", item_name = "phone", count = 1, label = "Phone"},
{type = "item", item_name = "contract", count = 1, label = "Contract"},
["Classified"] = {
{type = "money", item_name = "money", count = 30000, label = "Money"},
{type = "item", item_name = "antilag", count = 1, label = "Antilag"},
["Covert"] = {
{type = "weapon", item_name = "weapon_pistol50", count = 1, label = "Pistol .50"},
{type = "weapon", item_name = "weapon_heavypistol", count = 1, label = "Heavy Pistol"},
{type = "weapon", item_name = "weapon_dagger", count = 1, label = "Dagger"},
["Extraordinary"] = {
{type = "weapon", item_name = "weapon_doubleaction", count = 1, label = "Double-Action Revolver"},
{type = "weapon", item_name = "weapon_revolver", count = 1, label = "Navy Revolver"},
{type = "item", item_name = "remote", count = 1, label = "Remote Control"},
-- ADD HERE unlimited Cases
Last updated