Config = {}
Config.General = {
newESX = true, -- true if you use the new ESX version
shopCoords = vector4(268.71987915039, -1155.3666992188, 28.290948867798, 93.042747497559),
buyCoords = vector4(250.12022399902, -1157.2799072266, 29.18236541748, 91.88256072998),
testCoords = vector4(1353.0825195312, 628.15649414062, 80.510597229004, 309.92245483398),
ped = "s_m_m_highsec_01",
blip = {
label = "Hรคndler | VIP-Shop",
sprite = 823,
scale = 0.8,
colour = 5,
Config.bulletin = {
use = true, -- True if you use bulletin Notifications
resourceName = "modern_notify"
-- For Tebex you can use the addKey command to add keys to players
Config.Commands = {
addKey = {
command = "addKey", -- Command to add keys
onlyConsole = false, -- Only console can use this command
groups = {"admin"}, -- Groups that can add keys
removeKey = {
command = "removeKey",
onlyConsole = false,
groups = {"admin"},
keys = {
command = "keys",
function Notify(text, type, source)
if type == "client" then
elseif type == "server" then
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
Config.Shop = {
Keys = {
{ name = "Key1", label = "Stage 1"},
{ name = "Key2", label = "Stage 2"},
{ name = "Key3", label = "Stage 3"},
Vehicles = {
ingame_money = { -- Categorys with ingame money currency
catName = "VIP - Vehicles", -- Category name
id = 1, -- Category ID (unique!!!)
website = "",
cars = {
{ model = "t20", label = "Rolls-Royce Spectre", price = 2000000, img = "", type = "car"},
keys = { -- Categorys with (Tebex) Keys currency
id = 3, -- Category ID (unique!!!)
catName = "Stage 1 - Vehicles", -- Category name
key = "Key1",
website = "",
cars = {
{ model = "minijcwgp20", label = "Mini - Chooper GP", img = "", type = "car"},
id = 4,
catName = "Stage 2 - Vehicles",
key = "Key2",
website = "",
cars = {
{ model = "police", label = "2019 Range Rover Velar",img = "", type = "car"},
id = 5,
catName = "Stage 3 - Vehicles",
key = "Key3",
website = "",
cars = {
{ model = "t20", label = "Mini - Chooper GP", img = "", type = "car"},
Last updated