Config = {}
Config.newESX = true -- If ESX Legacy true
Config.Language = "en"
Config.weight = true -- Weight System? Do you use an Inventory with a Weight System then true
Config.Fishing = {
-- Fishing Rod
FishingItem = false, -- Fishing with Item?
itemRod = "fishingrod", -- Item Name Fishingrod
-- Fishing Time and Mode
AFK = true, -- Allow AFK Fishing?
afkTime = math.random(20000, 25000), -- Time in ms for new Catch (AFK)
manual = true, -- Allow Manuel Minigame Fishing
manualTime = math.random(8000, 12000), -- Time in ms for new Catch (Manual)
keyTime = 3500, -- Time to press the right key on your keyboard
-- Boot Rent
BootSpawn = "dinghy2", -- Spawnname of a boat
RentPrice = 100, -- Boat Rent Price
-- Fishing Rewards (Chance always = 100%) - (Types: item, weapon)
Rewards = {
{item = "fish", type = "item", chance = 80, money = 200},
{item = "dolphin", type = "item", chance = 15, money = 2000},
{item = "shark", type = "item", chance = 5, money = 2950},
{item = "WEAPON_SNSPISTOL", type = "weapon", chance = 5, money = nil},
Config.FishingBlips = {
FishingSpots = {
name = "Angelspot",
sprite = 780,
scale = 0.9,
color = 3,
BootNPC = {
name = "Bootsverleih",
sprite = 356,
scale = 0.7,
color = 0,
SellNPC = {
name = "Fisch Verkauf",
sprite = 207,
scale = 0.7,
color = 42,
Config.FishingSpots = {
-- Pier
{x = -1520.39, y = -1762.72, z = 0.43, radius = 50.0},
{x = -1509.70, y = -1928.15, z = 0.02, radius = 50.0},
{x = -1731.52, y = -1865.11, z = 0.12, radius = 50.0},
-- Sandy
{x = 1255.79, y = 3893.81, z = 30.16, radius = 50.0},
{x = 1097.31, y = 3857.29, z = 30.13, radius = 50.0},
{x = 1147.61, y = 4011.04, z = 30.13, radius = 50.0},
-- Plateo
{x = -664.73, y = 6507.14, z = 1.53, radius = 50.0},
{x = -486.45, y = 6603.37, z = 0.22, radius = 50.0},
{x = -660.64, y = 6711.26, z = 0.06, radius = 50.0},
Config.BootNPC = {
-- Pier
coords = vector4(-1379.0150, -1629.7825, 2.0363, 110.5688),
boatSpawn = vector4(-1466.8554, -1536.6015, -0.3355, 124.5171),
model = "a_m_y_beach_01"
-- Sandy
coords = vector4(1309.2602, 3686.6982, 32.2747, 38.5688),
boatSpawn = vector4(1285.8696, 3728.2768, 30.2994, 4.9023),
model = "a_m_y_beach_01"
-- Plateo
coords = vector4(-493.1999, 6432.7993, 2.5793, 51.7328),
boatSpawn = vector4(-531.3797, 6476.8095, -0.4536, 44.4118),
model = "a_m_y_beach_01"
Config.SellNPC = {
coords = vector4(-1855.2198, -1195.3572, 13.0171, 55.5765),
model = "s_m_m_ammucountry"
function notify(title, message, type)
-- Custom Notify example: TriggerEvent("six_notify", title, message, type, 5000)
-- Basic ESX Notification:
function server_notify(source, title, message, type)
-- Custom Server Notify example: TriggerClientEvent("six_notify:server", source, title, message, type, 5000)
-- Basic ESX Notification:
TriggerClientEvent("esx:showNotification", source, message)
function ShowHelpNotification(msg)
Config.Locales = {
['de'] = {
['notify_title'] = 'Angeln',
["rod_throw"] = "Du hast die Angel rausgeworfen",
["rod_missing"] = "Du besitzt keine Angel!",
["catch_notify"] = "Du hast folgendes gefangen: %s",
['inventory_full'] = "Dein Inventar ist voll!",
["boat_buy_title"] = "Boot erworben",
["boat_rent"] = "Drücke ~INPUT_PICKUP~ um ein Boot für %s$ zu kaufen",
["boat_buy"] = "Du hast für den Verkauf von Fischen %s$ erhalten",
["boat_notify"] = "Du hast ein Boot gekauft. Viel Spaß!",
["anchor_title"] = "Anker",
["anchor_drop"] = "Drücke ~INPUT_PICKUP~ um ein Anker zu werfen",
["anchor_pull"] = "Drücke ~INPUT_PICKUP~ um den Anker raus zu holen",
["anchor_notify_drop"] = "Anker wurde ausgeworfen",
["anchor_notify_pull"] = "Anker wurde eingezogen",
["afk_fishing"] = "Drücke ~INPUT_PICKUP~ um ~r~AFK~w~ zu Angeln",
["manuel_fishing"] = "Drücke ~INPUT_COVER~ um ~b~Manual~w~ zu Angeln",
["fishing_cancel"] = "~INPUT_VEH_DUCK~ : ~r~Abbrechen",
["minigame_fish_bites"] = "Etwas hat angebissen, drücke die Taste: %s um die Angel rauszuziehen",
["minigame_false_key"] = "Das war wohl die falsche Taste :(",
["sell_title"] = "Verkauf",
["sell_fish"] = "Drücke ~INPUT_PICKUP~ um deine Fische zu verkaufen",
["not_enough_money"] = "Du hast nicht genug Geld bei dir",
-- Discord Logs
["discord_title"] = "Fisch Verkauf Log",
["discord_sellmessage"] = "Der Spieler %s für **%s**$ Fische verkauft!",
['en'] = {
['notify_title'] = 'Fishing',
["rod_throw"] = "You have thrown the fishing rod",
["rod_missing"] = "You don't own a fishing rod!",
["catch_notify"] = "You caught: %s",
['inventory_full'] = "Your inventory is full!",
["boat_buy_title"] = "Boat Purchased",
["boat_rent"] = "Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to buy a boat for %s$",
["boat_buy"] = "You received %s$ for selling fish",
["boat_notify"] = "You have purchased a boat. Enjoy!",
["anchor_title"] = "Anchor",
["anchor_drop"] = "Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to drop the anchor",
["anchor_pull"] = "Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to pull up the anchor",
["anchor_notify_drop"] = "Anchor has been dropped",
["anchor_notify_pull"] = "Anchor has been pulled up",
["afk_fishing"] = "Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to go ~r~AFK~w~ fishing",
["manuel_fishing"] = "Press ~INPUT_COVER~ for ~b~Manual~w~ fishing",
["fishing_cancel"] = "~INPUT_VEH_DUCK~: ~r~Cancel",
["minigame_fish_bites"] = "Something's biting! Press the key: %s to reel in the fishing rod",
["minigame_false_key"] = "That was the wrong key :(",
["sell_title"] = "Sale",
["sell_fish"] = "Press ~INPUT_PICKUP~ to sell your fish",
["not_enough_money"] = "You don't have enough money on you",
-- Discord Logs
["discord_title"] = "Fish Sale Log",
["discord_sellmessage"] = "Player %s sold fish for **%s**$!",
Last updated