Config.Language = "en"
Config.Locales = {
["de"] = {
["open_shop"] = "Drücke ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ um den Import-Shop zu öffnen",
["vehicle_not_exist"] = "Dieses Fahrzeug existiert nicht",
["remaining_time"] = "~w~ Verbleibende Zeit: ~o~%s Sekunden\n~w~ Abbrechen: ~r~Fahrzeug verlassen",
["keys_list"] = "Deine Schlüssel: \n",
["player_not_found"] = "Spieler nicht gefunden: %s",
["missing_parameter"] = "/%s [SpielerID] [Key] [Anzahl]",
["car_buyed"] = "Du hast ~g~erfolgreich ~w~ein Fahrzeug: ~o~%s ~w~ für ~g~%s ~w~gekauft. Viel Spaß damit!",
["car_buy_failed"] = "~r~Fehler~w~ beim Kauf des Fahrzeugs. ~o~Bitte versuche es erneut.",
["not_enought_moeny"] = "Du hast ~r~nicht genügend Geld ~w~auf deiner ~o~Hand ~w~um dieses Fahrzeug zu kaufen.",
["not_enought_keys"] = "Du hast ~r~nicht genügend Schlüssel ~w~um dieses Fahrzeug zu kaufen.",
["key_not_found"] = "Dieser Schlüssel existiert nicht: %s",
["no_negativ"] = "Negativer Schlüsselwert nicht möglich! Schlüssel Wert ist 0",
["new_key_value"] = "ID: %s | Neuer Schlüsselwert: %s",
["error_update_key"] = "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Schlüssels: %s %s",
["test"] = "Testen",
["buy"] = "Kaufen",
-- Webhooks
["web_veh_buyed"] = "`%s` hat ein Fahrzeug: %s für %s$ gekauft",
["web_veh_buyed_fail"] = "`%s` kauf vom Fahrzeug: %s für %s$ fehlgeschlagen",
["web_veh_key_buyed"] = "`%s` hat an ein Fahrzeug: %s mit dem Key: %s gekauft",
["web_veh_key_buyed_fail"] = "`%s` kauf vom Fahrzeug: %s mit dem Key: %s fehlgeschlagen",
["en"] = {
["open_shop"] = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the Import-Shop",
["vehicle_not_exist"] = "This vehicle does not exist",
["remaining_time"] = "~w~ Remaining time: ~o~%s seconds\n~w~ Cancel: ~r~Leave vehicle",
["keys_list"] = "Your keys: \n",
["player_not_found"] = "Player not found: %s",
["missing_parameter"] = "/%s [PlayerID] [Key] [Amount]",
["car_buyed"] = "You have ~g~successfully ~w~bought a vehicle: ~o~%s ~w~ for ~g~%s ~w~. Have fun with it!",
["car_buy_failed"] = "~r~Error ~w~while buying the vehicle. ~o~Please try again.",
["not_enought_moeny"] = "You ~r~do not have enough money ~w~on your ~o~hand ~w~to buy this vehicle.",
["not_enought_keys"] = "You ~r~do not have enough keys ~w~to buy this vehicle.",
["key_not_found"] = "This key does not exist: %s",
["no_negativ"] = "Negative key value not possible! Key value is 0",
["new_key_value"] = "ID: %s | New key value: %s",
["error_update_key"] = "Error updating key: %s %s",
["test"] = "Test Drive",
["buy"] = "Buy",
-- Webhooks
["web_veh_buyed"] = "`%s` bought a vehicle: %s for %s$",
["web_veh_buyed_fail"] = "`%s` buy of the vehicle: %s for %s$ failed",
["web_veh_key_buyed"] = "`%s` bought a vehicle: %s with the key: %s",
["web_veh_key_buyed_fail"] = "`%s` buy of the vehicle: %s with the key: %s failed",
Last updated